Academic Performance

ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 (08/2022 – 07/2023)

  • Best Paper Award, 2022 Taiwan Accounting Association Annual Conference: “Management Quality and Carbon Emission Disclosures” by Dr. Shu-Miao Lai and Dr. Chih-Liang Liu
  • Excellence in Doctoral Dissertation Category, 2022 TSC Thesis Awards: “Consequences of Workplace Emotional Blackmail” by Dr. Yen-Yu Chen (Advisor: Chang-Ya Hu)
  • Merit Award in Business Administration Category, 2022 TSC Thesis Awards: “The Research on Application of Text Mining in Product Optimization: A Case Study of Fashion Products on Amazon” by Meng-Hsuan Wu (Advisor: Chen-Yang Cheng)
  • Merit Award in Business Administration Category, 2022 TSC Thesis Awards: “How Market Leader Maintaining Competitive Advantages under Hyper-competition? The Case of Fast Fashion Industry” by Yu-Wei Chiang (Advisor:  Yingchan Edwin Tang)
  • Merit Award in Business Administration Category, 2022 TSC Thesis Awards: “How High-tech Firms Vitalize an Enduring Competitive Advantage: A Dynamic Resource-Process-Value Perspective” by Ming-Yu Wang (Advisor: Yingchan Edwin Tang)
  • Excellent Research Paper Award, OCAC (Overseas Community Affairs Council): “The Relationships among Characteristics, Adaptations and Willingness to Stay in Taiwan in Overseas Talent” by Hei Tung Wong (Advisor: Jin-Feng Uen)
  • Excellence in Big Data Analytics & Information Systems Research, 2022 Industrial Engineering and Management Thesis Awards: “The Research on Application of Text Mining in Product Optimization: A Case Study of Fashion Products on Amazon” by Meng-Hsuan Wu (Advisor: Chen-Yang Cheng)
  • Honorable Mention in Big Data Analytics & Information Systems Research, 2022 Industrial Engineering and Management Thesis Awards: “Application of Data Mining on Prediction of Patients’ Survival Time with Intermediate and Advanced Liver Cancer” by Wei-Hao Chen (Advisor: Chen-Yang Cheng)
  1. Uen, J. F., Chen, S. Y., Ahlstrom, D., & Yang, M. C. (認可的出版社/出版中). The power of employee exchange belief: How psychological contract strength mediates the relationship of HR practice consistency and organizational commitment. Current Psychology.
  2. Yang, Po-Sheng and Jin-Li Hu (Forthcoming), “Information Transparency, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Credit Rating: Evidence from Taiwan’s Enterprises,” Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective (ESCI, Scopus).
  3. Chang, Ray-Yun, Ping-Sing Kuo, Yan-Shu Lin and Jin-Li Hu (Forthcoming), “International Technology Transfer, Environmental Pollution, and Domestic Welfare,” Singapore Economic Review (SSCI, IF = 1.740).
  4. Lu, Te-Cheng, Jin-Li Hu and Yan-Shu Lin (Forthcoming), “Coordination of Trade and Intellectual Property Rights Policies,” Singapore Economic Review (SSCI, IF = 1.740).
  5. Chen, Hung-Yi, Ya-Po Yang and Jin-Li Hu (2023), “Environmental Taxes under Mixed Duopoly: The Roles of Privatization and Foreign Eco-Technology,” Economic Modelling (SSCI, IF = 3.875), 126, 106373.
  6. Hu, Jin-Li, Satoshi Honma and Shen-Yuan Chang (2023), “Renewable Energy Generation Efficiency of Japan’s Administrative Regions: An Application of the Dynamic Slacks-based Measure,” Next Energy, 1(3), 100029.
  7. Hu, Jin-Li and Nhi Ha Bao Bui (2023), “Aggregate and Disaggregate Output Efficiency of Asian Passenger Airlines: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis,” Airlines in Developing Economies, Advances in Airline Economics, Volume 10, edited by Kenneth Button, pp. 215–233, Emerald.
  8. Hu, Jin-Li, Satoshi Honma and Tzu-Min Chang (2023), “Recycling Efficiencies in Japans Administrative Regions: Findings from Network Data Envelopment Analysis,” Circular Economy and Sustainability (ProQuest),
  9. Tsao, Ku-Chu, Jin-Li Hu, Hong Hwang, Yan-Shu Lin (2023), “More Licensed Technologies May Make It Worse: A Welfare Analysis of Licensing Vertically Two-tier Foreign Technologies,” Journal of Economics (SSCI, IF = 1.889), 139(1), 71–88.
  10. Wu, Tsaur-Chin Michael, Chih-Ta Yen, Che-Chiang Huang and Jin-Li Hu (2023), “Social Insurance under Fraud and Redistributive Taxation,” Singapore Economic Review (SSCI, IF = 1.740), 68(2), 467-483.
  11. Hu, Jin-Li, Min-Yueh Chuang and Shang-Ho Yeh (2023), “A Dynamic DEA Analysis of Health Output Efficiencies of Cities and Counties in Taiwan,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (Scopus), 20, 4674.
  12. Hu, Jin-Li and Tien-Yu Chang (2023), “Energy Resilience: A Cross-Economy Comparison,” Energies (SCIE, IF = 3.252), 16, 2214.
  13. Hu, Jin-Li, Sheng-Yung Yang, Fu-Lai Lin and I-Chien Tsai (2023), “Efficiency and Input Congestion of Major Marine Transport Companies in the World,” Research in Transportation Business & Management (SSCI, IF = 4.286), 46, 100831.
  14. Kuang-Jung Chen, Chou-Kang Chiu, Chu-Mei Liu, Chieh-Peng Lin & Nyan-Myau Lyau (2023) Understanding vocational passion and learning goal orientation: workplace training and learning implications, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 34:9-10, 1277-1291, DOI: 10.1080/14783363.2023.2168531
  15. Lin, C.-P. and Huang, T.-Y. (2023), “Assessing social capital and knowledge sharing in the high-tech industry: a moderating role of hypercompetition”, Management Decision, Vol. 61 No. 1, pp. 120-143.
  16. Lin, CP., Wu, NC. Assessing the Effect of Leadership on Performance via Adaptation and Social Interaction: The Moderation of Learning Behavior and Learning Goal Orientation. Vocations and Learning 15, 449–476 (2022).
  17. Chou-Kang Chiu, Chieh-Peng Lin & Tian-Yu Lung (2023) Exploring emotional regulation and team politics in teams: team learning and educational practices, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 34:9-10, 1108-1125, DOI: 10.1080/14783363.2022.2157712
  18. Kuang-Jung Chen, Chou-Kang Chiu, Chu-Mei Liu, Chieh-Peng Lin & Nyan-Myau Lyau (2023) Understanding vocational passion and learning goal orientation: workplace training and learning implications, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 34:9-10, 1277-1291, DOI: 10.1080/14783363.2023.2168531
  19. Lin, CP., Chiang, PH. Increasing the Vocational Focus of Knowledge Application in Teams: A Perspective of Team Learning and Industry Clusters. Vocations and Learning 16, 121–139 (2023).
  20. Park, S., Kang, J. S., & Markman, G. D. (2023). Can we serve both God and Money? The role of indirect appeal and its limitation. European Journal of Marketing, 57(7), 1912-1938.
  21. Liu, C-L. J., & Lai, S. M. (2022). Does Internal Control Quality Matter to Employees? Taiwan Accounting Review, 18(2), 207-250. [2].
  22. 陳燕諭*、胡昌亞、黃瑞傑、陳玉芬(in press)。職場情緒勒索量表之發展與驗證。人力資源管理學報。(TSSCI第一級期刊)。(*第一作者、通訊作者)
  23. Hu, C., Huang, J.-C.*, Chen, Y.-Y., Cheng, H.-Y., & Tyan, J. (in press). Analyses of measurement equivalence across gender of the psychological capital questionnaire. Sun Yat-Sen Management Review, 31, 359-390. (TSSCI) (In Chinese)
  24. Hu, C., Chen, Y.-Y., Pham, M.*, & Zhang, S.-H. (in press). How to model congruence: A premier on the latent congruence modeling and polynomial regression. Journal of Human Resource Management. (TSSCI) (In Chinese)
  25. Hu, C.*, Zhang, S.-H, Chen, Y.-Y, & Griggs, T. L. (2022). A meta-analytic study of subjective career plateaus. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 132, Article103649.   (SSCI, Impact Factor = 6.065)
  1. Chen, Y.-Y., Pham, M.*, Wang, S., & Zhang, S. (2023, August). Validation of the workplace emotional blackmail scale (WEBS). 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston: USA.
  2. Pham, M.*, Hu, C., Chen, Y.-Y., & Wang, S. (2023, August). A meta-analysis study of attachment styles in the workplace. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston: USA.
  3. 劉芸君*、陳燕諭、胡昌亞(2022年10月)。臺灣全職工作者五大人格與工作績效之關聯性。第61屆台灣心理學年會,台北市。
  4. 曾奕瑄、毛康名、劉維韜、陳燕諭*(2022年10月)。初探新世代青年內卷知覺及躺平傾向之現況。第61屆台灣心理學年會,台北市。
  5. 陳燕諭*、胡昌亞(2022年9月)。從情感影響戰術探討家長式領導之影響歷程。2022臺灣組織與管理學會研討會,台南市。
  6. Dinh, C.-M., Pham, M., Chen, Y.-Y., Park, S. S., & Liao, C.-W.* (2022, August). AI and IoT: A meta-analysis of consumers’ adoption of emerging technologies. 2022 American Marketing Association Summer Academic Conference, Chicago: USA.
  • Jin Feng Uen, 08/2022-07/2023, The War for Talent—The Impacts of Employer Brand Management and Relational Psychological Contract on Technical Talents Retention in the High-technology Industry, National Science and Technology Council (111-2410-H-A49-035-SSS)
  • Diana Hwei-An Tsai, 08/2022-07/2023, Ministry of Education
  • Chieh-Peng Lin, 08/2022-07/2023, A Cognitive Load Framework of Learning Process in Vocational Training and Education, National Science and Technology Council (111-2410-H-A49-036-)
  • Jin-Su Kang, 08/2020-07/2023, MultimarketContact and Its Underexplored Areas: Revisiting Contingencies, National Science and Technology Council (3-yr project) (109-2628-H-009-002-MY3)
  • Jin-Su Kang, 08/2022-07/2025, Flexible Identity, Rhetorical Strategy and Firm Performance in International Business, National Science and Technology Council (3-yr project) (111-2410-H-A49-011-MY3)
  • Chih-Liang Liu, 08/2022-07/2023, Implementation of SFAS 123R and Labor Investment Efficiency, National Science and Technology Council (111-2410-H-A49-081-)
  • Yen-Yu Chen, 10/2022-09/2023, Getting Your Own Way or Getting Backfire? An Exploration of How and When Workplace Emotional Blackmail Influence Subordinates’ Behaviors, National Science and Technology Council (111-2410-H-A49-086-)

ACADEMIC YEAR 2021 (08/2021 – 07/2022)

  • Best Paper Award, The Taiwan Accounting Association Annual Conference-Accounting and Auditing in Pandemic and ICT Era: “The Relation between Internal Control Quality and Employee” by Lai, Shu-Miao & Liu, Chih-Liang
  • Prof. Jin-Li Hu and Prof. Chieh Peng Lin listed in both 1960-2020 and 2020 World’s Top Scientists ranked by Elsevier and Stanford University
  • Honorable Mention, 2021 SMS Annual Conference Research Methods Paper Prize: “Towards Temporal Causal Inference: A Review of Differences-in-Differences Applications in Strategic Management” by Jin-Su Kang, Yi-Chieh Chen & Nabangshu Sinha
  • 2021 STR Division Wiley Blackwell Outstanding Dissertation Award, The Academy of Management Annual Conference: “Competitive Myopia: Redressing Blind Spots in Interindustry Competition” by Stephen Downing (Advisor: Jin-Su Kang)
  1. Han Cheng Chang and Jin Feng Uen*, 2022. Shaping Organizational Citizenship Behavior of New Employees: Effects of Mentoring Functions and Supervisor Need for Achievement.SAGE Open, January-March 2022: 1–11. (Indexed/Ranked by CABS, UK; Australian ABDC; Clarivate Analytics: SSCI; SCOPUS).
  2. Rama Krishna Kishore Vandavasi, Divid McConville, Jin Feng Uen, and Ke-Wei Wu, 2021. Do Employee Perceptions of Needs-Supply Fit Impact Job Satisfaction and Job Search Behavior? Journal of General Management, 41(7): 37-40. (Indexed/Ranked by CABS, UK; Australian ABDC; Clarivate Analytics: ESCI; SCOPUS).
  3. Ding, C. G., Wang, H. J., Lee, M. C., Hung, W. C., and Jane, T. D. (2021), “Assessing the Reversal of Investor Sentiment,” North American Journal of Economics and Finance, published online.
  4. Hu, Jin-Li and Mayor Ming-Hsiung Wu (2022), “The Grapevine Model for Brand Development: Examples from Napa Valley Winery in the U.S.,” Journal of Management Research (EBSCO), 22(2), 115-126.
  5. Chiu, Chia-Hui, Jin-Li Hu and Ching-Ren Chiu (2022), “Regional Differences in Taiwan’s B&B Industry: An Alternative Meta-frontier Analysis,” Tourism Management Perspectives (SSCI, IF = 7.608), 44, 101043.
  6. Chung, Hui-Ling, Jin-Li Hu and Yan-Shu Lin (2022), “The Leverage Effect of Bundling on Monopoly Power and Product Quality,” Manchester School (SSCI, IF = 1.063), 90, 668-688.
  7. Hu, Jin-Li (2022), “Energy Resilience in Presence of Natural and Social Uncertainties,” Energies (SCIE, IF = 3.252), 15(18), 6566.
  8. Hu, Jin-Li (2022), “Green Energy Economies Are Continually On-going,” Energies (SCIE, IF = 3.252), 15, 4683.
  9. Chiu, Ching-Ren, Ming-Chung Chang and Jin-Li Hu (2022), “Energy Intensity Improvement and Energy Productivity Changes: An Analysis of BRICS and G7 Countries,” Journal of Productivity Analysis (SSCI, IF = 2.500), 57(3), 297–311.
  10. Lee, Chang-Tai, Jin-Li Hu, Ming-Hsin Kung (2022), “Economic Resilience in the Early Stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Across-Economy Comparison,” Sustainability (SSCI, IF = 3.889), 14(8), 4609.
  11. Shieh, Hwai-Shuh, Yang Li, Jin-Li Hu and Yong-Ze Ang (2022), “A Comparison of Efficiency of Life Insurance Companies in Mainland China and Taiwan Using Bootstrapped Truncated Regression Approach,” Cogent Economics & Finance (Scopus, Emerging Sources Citation Index), 10(1), 2043571.
  12. Zhang, Li, Yuhai Liu, Jin-Li Hu, Tiebin Liu and Sainan Liao (2022), “Environmental Regulation and Firm Exports: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment in China,” Sustainability (SSCI, IF = 3.889), 14, 1084.
  13. Hu, Jin-Li, Yi-Chou Chen and Ya-Po Yang (2022), “The Development and Issues of Energy-ICT: A Review of Literature with Economic and Managerial Viewpoints,” Energies (SCIE, IF = 3.252), 15(2), 594.
  14. Lin, C. P., & Cheung, Y. K. (2022). Developing learning ambidexterity and job performance: training and educational implications across the cultural divide. Review of Managerial Science.
  15. Lin, CP., Wu, NC. Assessing the Effect of Leadership on Performance via Adaptation and Social Interaction: The Moderation of Learning Behavior and Learning Goal Orientation. Vocations and Learning 15, 449–476 (2022).
  16. Lin, C.-P., Liu, C.-M. and Chan, H.-T. (2022), “Developing job performance: mediation of occupational commitment and achievement striving with competence enhancement as a moderator”, Personnel Review, Vol. 51 No. 2, pp. 750-769.
  17. Lin, C. P., & Lu, K. C. (2022). Modeling learning traits and team performance with knowledge application: Training and education for engineering work teams. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management – JET-M, 64, [101686].
  18. Chieh-Peng Lin & Chia-Yun Hsieh (2022) Modeling Switching Intention of Mobile Payment Service in the Moderation of Usage Inertia and IT Self-Efficacy: Implications for User Education, International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2022.2090091
  19. Lin, C. P., Wang, Y. M., Liu, N. T., & Chen, Y. L. (2021). Assessing turnover intention and the moderation of inclusive leadership: training and educational implications. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence.
  20. Lin, C-P., & Huang, H. Y. (2021). Modeling investment intention in online P2P lending: an elaboration likelihood perspective. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 39(7), 1134-1149.
  1. Han Cheng Chang, Jin Feng Uen, and Su Cheng Chang, 2021. A Theoretical Model of Social Support on Newcomer OCB: The Mediation of Team Cohesiveness. The Virtual 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 29 July – 4 August 2021.
  2. Ding, C. G., Chang, Y. W., and Cheng, J. H. (2021), “Investigating the Dynamic Relationship between Marketing Capabilities and Firm Performance, ” Presented at the Virtual 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, July 29 – August 4, 2021.
  3. Jin-Su Kang, Yi-Chieh Chen, Nabangshu Sinha (2021, Sep). Towards temporal causal inference: A review of differences-in-differences applications in strategic management. Strategic Management Society 41st Annual Conference. This paper won “Best paper prize honorable mention” which is 2nd place.
  4. Stephen Downing, Jin-Su Kang (2021, Sep). Triangulating Factor Market Blind Spots: Evidence for Personnel Mobility. Strategic Management Society 41st Annual Conference.
  5. Jin-Su Kang, Stephen Downing, Naba Sinha, Yi-Chieh Chen (2021, Aug). Advancing Causal Inference:
    Difference-in-Differences vs. Bayesian Structural Time Series Models. 81st Annual Meeting of Academy of Management.
  6. Stephen Downing, Jin-Su Kang (2021, Aug). Making Sense of Factor Market Blind Spots: Evidence from Personnel Mobility Networks, 2008-2015. 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
  • Jin Feng Uen, 08/2021-07/2022, The Relationship of Human Resource Strategy, Organizational Agility, and Business Performance: Empirical study in the Turbulent Environment, Ministry of Science and Technology (110-2410-H-A49-030-SSS)
  • Jin-Li Hu, 08/2021-07/2022, Efficiency Frontier Levels of Global Competitiveness for World Economies: An Application of Context-Dependent DEA, Ministry of Science and Technology (110-2410-H-A49-051-)
  • Diana Hwei-An Tsai, 08/2021-07/2022, The Application of Emerging Technologies on Interdisciplinary Innovation and Entrepreneurship Framework, Ministry of Education
  • Chieh-Peng Lin, 08/2021-07/2022, Modeling usage intention of robo-advisors from the perspective of learning goal orientation: customer education implications, Ministry of Science and Technology (110-2511-H-A49-002-MY2)
  • Chieh-Peng Lin, 08/2021-07/2022, Exploring the influence of learning goal orientation and interactional justice in teams : Implications for leadership education, Ministry of Science and Technology (110-2511-H-A49-003-)
  • Jin-Su Kang, 08/2020-07/2023, Multimarket Contact and Its Underexplored Areas: Revisiting Contingencies, Ministry of Science and Technology (3-yr project) (109-2628-H-009-002-MY3)
  • Roland Gau, 08/2021-07/2022, The Impact of NGOs as a Resource on Consumption and Sustainable Development in Subsistence Marketplaces, Ministry of Science and Technology (110-2410-H-A49-007-)

ACADEMIC YEAR 2020 (08/2020 – 07/2021)

  • Honorable Mention, FUBON Life Management Dotor and Master Thesis Award 2020: “Deconstructing Crowdfunding to Generate Opportunities with the Light GBM Insights” by Lo-Chun Chang (Advisor: Yingchan Edwin Tang) 
  • Distinguished Master’s Thesis, TSC Thesis Award 2020: “Deconstructing Crowdfunding to Generate Opportunities with the Light GBM Insights” by Lo-Chun Chang (Advisor: Yingchan Edwin Tang) 
  1. Jin-Feng Uen, Rama Krishna Kishore Vandavasi, Kun Lee, Prasanthi Yepuru, Vipin Saini, 2021. Job crafting and psychological capital: a multi-level study of their effects on innovative work behavior. Team Performance Management, 27(1/2): 145-158. (Indexed/Ranked by CABS, UK; Australian ABDC; Clarivate Analytics: ESCI; SCOPUS).
  2. Ching-Wen Kung, Jin Feng Uen, Shou-Chi Lin (2020). Ambidextrous Leadership and Employee Innovation in Public Museums. Chinese Management Studies, 14(4): 995-1014. (SSCI)
  3. Rama Krishna Kishore Vandavasi, David McConville, Jin-Feng Uen and Prasanthi Yepuru, 2020. Knowledge sharing, shared leadership and innovative behaviour: A cross-level analysis. International Journal of Manpower, 41(6), 1221-1233. ( ) (SSCI)
  4. Ding, C. G., and Chang, Y. (2020), “Effects of Task and Work Responsibilities Idiosyncratic Deals on Perceived Insider Status and the Moderating Roles of Perceived Overall Justice and Coworker Support,” Review of Managerial Science, 14, 1341-1361. (SSCI)
  5. Honma, S., & Hu, J. L. (2021). Cost efficiency of recycling and waste disposal in Japan. Journal of Cleaner Production284, [125274].
  6. Wu, K. F., Hu, J. L., & Chiou, H. (2021). Degrees of shortage and uncovered ratios for long-term care in Taiwan’s regions: Evidence from dynamic dea. International journal of environmental research and public health18(2), 1-18. [605].
  7. Li, L. B., Zhang, C. C., Hu, J-L., & Chiu, C. R. (2021). Disaggregate productivity growth sources of regional industries in China. Empirical Economics60(3), 1531-1557.
  8. Hu, J-L. (2021). Evaluating the Context-Dependent Total-factor Energy Efficiency of Counties and Cities in Taiwan. Energies14(5), [4615].
  9. Hu, J-L., Hsiao, W. L., & Huang, C-Y. (2021). Over the Gender Gap: Female Entrepreneurs in Taiwan. Journal of Innovation and Management17(1), 1-40.
  10. Hu, J-L., Honma, S., & Chen, Y. K. (2020). Total-Factor Energy and Emission Efficiencies of Association of Southeast Asian Nations and Other Asian Economies. Asian Economic Policy Review, 1-21.
  11. Lin, C. P., Liu, C. M., & Hsiao, C. Y. (2021). Assessing transactive memory system and team performance: the moderating role of leadership efficacy. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence.
  12. Lin, C. P., Jhang, C., & Wang, Y. M. (2021). Learning value-based leadership in teams: the moderation of emotional regulation. Review of Managerial Science.
  13. Huang, T. Y., & Lin, C-P. (2020). Is Paternalistic Leadership a Double-Edged Sword for Team Performance? The Mediation of Team Identification and Emotional Exhaustion. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies.
  14. Witek, H. A., & Kang, J-S. (2020). ZZ polynomials for isomers of (5,6)-Fullerenes Cwith n = 20-50. Symmetry12(9), [1483].
  15. Steinfield, L., Venugopal, S., Appau, S., Barrios, A., Dadzie, C., Gau, R., Holt, D., Nguyen Thi Tuyet Mai, & Shultz, C. (2021). Across Time, Across Space, and Intersecting in Complex Ways: A Framework for Assessing Impacts of Environmental Disruptions on Nature-Dependent Prosumers. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing40(2), 262-284.
  1. Ding, C. G. and Chen, C. F. (2020), “Improving the Performance of ULMC in CMV Detection and Correction,” Accepted for Presentation at the 2020 Academy of Management Annual Meeting – Research Methods Division, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 7-11, 2020. (did not attend because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.)
  2. Downing, S., Yu, T., Kang, J.S. 2020. Discursive Signals: How Language Influences Competition. Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Virtual Conference.
  3. Downing, S., Kang, J.S., Lee H. 2020. Competitive Dynamics of Interindustry Systems. Academy of Management Annual Conference, Virtual Conference. Selected as Best Paper.
  • Jin Feng Uen, 08/2020-07/2021, Constructing Agile Organization: The Practices and Contingencies, Ministry of Science and Technology (109-2410-H-009-031-)
  • Cherng G. Ding, 08/2020-07/2021, Improving the case-by-case approach in growth modeling, Ministry of Science and Technology (109-2410-H-009-020-)
  • Jin-Li Hu, 08/2020-07/2021, A Study of Metafrontier Total-factor Water Use Efficiency of Asia-Pacific Economies, Ministry of Science and Technology (109-2410-H-009-053-)
  • Diana Hwei-An Tsai, 08/2020-07/2021, Project-Based Learning in Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Framework, Ministry of Education
  • Chieh-Peng Lin, 08/2020-07/2021, Assessing leadership and team performance: The moderation of collective learning behavior and learning goal orientation, Ministry of Science and Technology (109-2511-H-009-008-)
  • Chieh-Peng Lin, 08/2020-07/2021, Modeling knowledge application and team performance: Implications of training and education, Ministry of Science and Technology (109-2511-H-009-009-)
  • Jin-Su Kang, 08/2020-07/2023, Multimarket Contact and Its Underexplored Areas: Revisiting Contingencies, Ministry of Science and Technology (3-yr project) (109-2628-H-009-002-MY3)
  • Roland Gau, 08/2020-07/2021, Sustainability and Subsistence: Resource-Based Perspectives on Consumption, Ministry of Science and Technology (109-2410-H-009-024-)
  • Chih-Liang Liu, 11/2020-10/2021, The Effect of Board Reforms on Labor Market, Ministry of Science and Technology (109-2410-H-009-059-)

ACADEMIC YEAR 2019 (08/2019 – 07/2020)

  • Diana Hwei-An Tsai, Fellow of The Higher Education Academy, 2019
  • Diana Hwei-An Tsai, The 16th National Innovation Award, The Institution Awards, 2019
  • Jin-Su Kang, E. Sun Bank Academic Award, 2019
  • Distinguished Master’s Thesis, TSC Thesis Award 2019: “以ELM模型探討綠色投資意圖” by 廖芷萱 (Advisor: Chieh-Peng Lin) 
  • Distinguished Master’s Thesis, TSC Thesis Award 2019: “藥局商品銷售趨勢之個案分析” by 徐慧穎 (Advisor: Cherng G. Ding) 
  • Distinguished EMBA Thesis, TSC Thesis Award 2019: “銀行非利息收入與風險關係之探討-以德國主要銀行為例” by 陳人彰 (Advisor: Jin-Li Hu) 
  1. Ching-Wen Kung, Jin Feng Uen, Shou-Chi Lin (forthcoming). Ambidextrous Leadership and Employee Innovation in Public Museums. Chinese Management Studies. (Accepted in April, 2020) (SSCI) 【R】
  2. Rama Krishna Kishore Vandavasi, David McConville, Jin-Feng Uen and Prasanthi Yepuru (Forthcoming), Knowledge sharing, shared leadership and innovative behaviour: A cross-level analysis. International Journal of Manpower. (Accepted in Dec. 2019) (SSCI) 【R】
  3. Hu, J-L. (2020). A Context-dependent Efficiency Evaluation of Japanese Securities Firms. Journal of Economics and Management16(2), 101-123.
  4. Lu, TE. CHENG., Hu, JIN. LI., & Lin, Y. S. (Accepted/In press 2020) Coordination of Trade and Intellectual Property Rights Policies. Singapore Economic Review.
  5. Huang, F., Zhou, D., Hu, & J. L., Wang, Q. (2020). Integrated Airline Productivity Performance Evaluation with CO2 Emissions and Flight Delays. Journal of Air Transport Management, 84,
  6. Shieh, H. S., Hu, J. L., & Ang, Y. Z. (2020). Efficiency of Life Insurance Companies: An Empirical Study in Mainland China and Taiwan. Sage Open
  7. Lin, C.-P.*, & Tsai, M.-K. (2020). Strengthening long-term job performance: The moderating roles of sense of responsibility and leader’s support. Australian Journal of Management, 45(1), 134-152. (SSCI)
  8. Lin, C.-P.*, Liu, C.-M., Liu, N.-T., & Huang, H.-T (2020). Being excellent teams: Managing innovative climate, politics, and team performance. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 31(3/4), 353-372. (SSCI)
  9. Lin, C-P.* (2020). Exploring career commitment and turnover intention of high-tech personnel: A socio-cognitive perspective. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(6), 760-784. (SSCI)
  10. Lin, C. P., Huang, H. T., & Huang, T. Y. (2020). The effects of responsible leadership and knowledge sharing on job performance among knowledge workers. Personnel Review.
  11. Liu, M.-L., Lin, C.-P., Chen, M.-L., Chen, P.-C., & Chen, K.-J. (2019). Strengthening knowledge sharing and job dedication: The roles of corporate social responsibility and ethical leadership. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 41(1), 73-87. (SSCI)
  12. Lin, C.-P.*, Liu, N.-T., Chiu, C.-K, Chen, K.-J., & Lin, N.-C. (2019). Modeling team performance from the perspective of politics and ethical leadership. Personnel Review, 48(5), 1357-1380. (SSCI)
  13. Lin, C.-P.*, Liu, N.-T., Chiu, C.-K, Chen, K.-J., & Lin, N.-C. (2019). Modeling team performance from the perspective of politics and ethical leadership. Personnel Review, 48(5), 1357-1380. (SSCI)
  14. Downing, S.#, Kang, J. S.*, & Markman, G. (2019). What You Don’t See Can Hurt You: Awareness Cues to Profile Indirect Competitors. Academy of Management Journal (SSCI Impact factor: 7.47), 62(2): 1872-1900. Featured by AOM Insight.
  15. Venugopal, Srinivas, Roland Gau, Samuelson Appau, Kevin Sample, Rita de Cassia de F. Pereira (2019) “Adapting traditional livelihood practices in the face of environmental disruptions in subsistence communities,” Journal of Business Research 100, 400-409. (Impact Factor 4.03)
  16. Viswanathan, Madhu, Raed Elyadi, Roland Gau, and Lisa Jones (2019) “Subsistence Marketplaces: Challenges and Opportunities,” Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 38 (1), 34-41. (Impact Factor 2.46, 1 Google Scholar citation)
  1. Jin-Feng Uen, Shan-Kuei Teng, and Li-Chang Wu 2019. The Effect of Video Resume on Recruiters’ Attitude: Examining Impression Management Tactics and Social Capital Factor. The 33rd ANZAM Conference, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, 3th – 6th December, 2019.
  2. Ding, C. G. and Chen, C. F. (2019), “On the Bias Due to Common Method Variance,” Presented at the International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences (TISSS), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, August 6-8, 2019 【R】[C19-1]
  3. Kang, J.S., Downing, S., Markman, G. 2019. Strategic Nonresponse: The Mediating Role of Buyer Engagement. Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Minneapolis, USA.
  4. Kang, J.S., Downing, S., Markman, G. 2019. Attacks, Buyer Engagement, and Target Response-Nonresponse Spectrum. Academy of Management Annual Conference, Boston, USA.
  5. Gau, Roland (2020), “The Impact of Resource (Dis)Advantages in Subsistence Marketplaces,” Marketing and Public Conference Proceedings, Los Angeles, CA, May 2020.
  • Cherng G. Ding, 08/2019-07/2020, Measuring Dynamic Capabilities by Using Financial Data, Ministry of Science and Technology (108-2410-H-009-049-)
  • Jin-Li Hu, 08/2019-07/2020, A Metafrontier Total-factor Water Efficiency of Regions in Taiwan, Ministry of Science and Technology(108-2410-H-009-039-)
  • Diana Hwei-An Tsai, 08/2019-07/2020, Project-Based Learning in Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Framework, Ministry of Education
  • Chieh-Peng Lin, 08/2019-07/2020, Modeling Social Capital and Knowledge Sharing in High-Tech Industry, Ministry of Science and Technology (108-2410-H-009-033-)
  • Jin-Su Kang, 08/2019-07/2020, Dual Embeddedness of Rivalry: Implications for Employee Poaching, Ministry of Science and Technology (108-2410-H-009-022-)
  • Roland Gau, 08/2019-07/2020, Understanding Consumption and Sustainable Development in Subsistence Marketplaces, Ministry of Science and Technology (108-2410-H-009-052-)

ACADEMIC YEAR 2018 (08/2018 – 07/2019)

  • Eduniversal 2019 Best Masters Ranked N°22 in MBA full time, Far East Asia
  • Best Doctoral Thesis, TSC Thesis Award 2018: “How Far is Far Enough to Be Aware? Competitive Embeddedness and Awareness of Emerging Rivalry” by Stephen Thomas Downing (Advisor: Jin-Su Kang)
  • Distinguished Master’s Thesis, TSC Thesis Award 2018: “轉換型領導與企業家精神導向人力資源管理對組織創新績效之影響” by 廖略珈 (Advisor: Jin Feng Uen) 
  • Distinguished Master’s Thesis, TSC Thesis Award 2018: “台北捷運旅客人次與周邊店面租金的動態關聯研究” by 謝易展 (Advisor: Cherng G. Ding) 
  • Best Master’s Thesis, Taiwan Association of Efficiency and Productivity Thesis Award 2018: “臺灣各縣市能源與汙染之共同邊界效率分析” by 陳慶勳 (Advisor: Jin-Li Hu) 
  1. Ding, C. G. and Chang, Y. W. (2019), “Effects of Task and Work Responsibilities Idiosyncratic Deals on Perceived Insider Status and the Moderating Roles of Perceived Overall Justice and Coworker Support,” Review of Managerial Science, published online, 【R】[J19-1]
  2. Lu, T. C., Hu, J. L., Lin, & Y. S. (2019). Coordination of Trade and Intellectual Property Rights Policies. Singapore Economic Review. Retrieved from
  3. Li, L. B., Zhang, C. C., J. L., & Chiu, C. R. (2019). Disaggregate Productivity Growth Sources of Regional Industries in China.  Empirical Economics. Retrieved from
  4. Wu, T. C., Yen, C. T., Huang, C. C., & Hu, J. L. (2019). Social Insurance under Fraud and Redistributive Taxation. Singapore Economic Review. Retrieved from
  5. Hu, J. L., & Honma, S. (2019). A Meta Stochastic Frontier Analysis of Industry-level Energy Efficiency in OECD Countries.  Journal of Economics and Management, 15(2), 171-220.
  6. Hu, J. L., Wu, C. M., & Huang, T. T. (2019). Holiday Effects on the Stock Prices of the Gaming Industry in Macau. Journalf Chinese Management Development, 8(1), 24-46.
  7. Hu, J. L., & Chang, Y. C. (2019). The W-theory of Five Elements for Innovative Business Activities with a Case Study of Alibaba Corporation.  Journal of Management Research, 19(3), 173-179.
  8. Hu, J. L., Hsu, H. H., & Hsiao, C., & Tsao, H. Y. (2019). Is Mobile Jumping More Efficient? Evidence from Major Asia-Pacific Telecommunications Firms. Asia Pacific Management Review, 24(2), 190-199.
  9. Lo, C. L., Chen, C. H., Hu, J. L., Lo, K. R., & Cho, H. J. (2019). A Fuel-Efficient Route Plan Method Based on Game Theory. Journal of Internet Technology, 20(3), 925-932.
  10. Hu, J. L., Chiu, C. N., & Chu, H. T. (2019). Managerial Efficiency in the Food and Beverage Industry in Taiwan. Journal of Hospitality Financial Management, 27(1), 39-48.
  11. Tsai, H. C., Hu, J. L., & Hsu, S. Y. (2018). Population Size, Infrastructure Quality, and Tax Competition. Agriculture and Economics 61, 1-22.
  12. Chang, M. C., & Hu, J. L. (2019). A Long-term Metafrontier Analysis of Energy and Emissions Efficiencies between G7 and BRICS. Energy Efficiency, 12(4), 879-893.
  13. Chang, M. C., Hu, J. L., & Chen, C. H. (2019). A Metafrontier Pollution Efficiency Analysis of Taiwan’s Administrative Regions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 222, 393-406.
  14. Wu, C. M., & Hu, J. L. (2019). Can CSR Reduce Stock Price Crash Risk? Evidence from China’s Energy Industry. Energy Policy, 128, 505-518.
  15. Hsiao, W. L., Hu, J. L., Hsiao C., & Chang, M. C. (2019). Energy Efficiency of the Baltic Sea Countries: An Application of Stochastic Frontier Analysis. Energies, 12(1), 104.
  16. Tsao, K. C., Wu S. J., Hu, J. L., & Lin, Y. S. (2019). Subcontracting Bargaining Power and the Trade Policy. Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 28(1), 82-100.
  17. Honma, Satoshi and Hu, J. L. (2018). A Meta-stochastic Frontier Analysis for Energy Efficiency of Regions in Japan. Journal of Economic Structures, 7:21.
  18. Wang, Q., Hang, Y., Hu, J. L., & Chiu, C. R. (2018). An Alternative Metafrontier Framework for Measuring the Heterogeneity of Technology. Naval Research Logistics, 65(5), 427-445.
  19. Tsai, Diana H.A., Rong-Chwan Chen, Ming-Jong Yao (2018) “A Study on the Competition Norms for the Liner Shipping Industry,” Fair Trade Law Quarterly, 26:4, 1-56. (TSSCI)
  20. Liu, M.-L., Lin, C.-P., Joe, S.-W., & Chen, K.-J. (2019). Modeling knowledge sharing and team performance: The interactions of ethical leadership and ambidexterity with politics and job complexity. Management Decision, 57(7), 1472-1495. (SSCI)
  21. Lin, C.-P. (2019). Modeling corporate citizenship and turnover intention: Social identity and expectancy theories. Review of Managerial Science, 13(4), 823-840. (SSCI)
  22. Chiu, C.-K., Lin, C.-P., Chen, K.-J., Liu, C.-M, & Ma, H.-C. (2019). Modeling continuance intention towards Mobile Travel Service System (MTSS): A theoretical perspective of motivation and dependency. Review of Managerial Science, 13(4), 749-769. (SSCI)
  23. Lin, C.-P., Chiu, C.-K., Liu, N.-T. (2019). Developing virtual team performance: An integrated perspective of social exchange and social cognitive theories. Review of Managerial Science, 13(4), 671-688. (SSCI)
  24. Lin, C.-P.*, Wang, C.-C., Chen, S.-C., & Chen, J.-Y. (2019). Modeling leadership and team performance: The mediation of collective efficacy and the moderation of team justice. Personnel Review, 48(2), 471-491. (SSCI)
  25. Lin, C.-P., Chen, K.-J., Liu, C.-M., Liao, C.-H. (2019). Assessing decision quality and team performance: Perspectives of knowledge internalization and resource adequacy. Review of Managerial Science, 13(2), 377-396. (SSCI)
  26. Chen, S.-C. & Lin, C. P.* (2019). Understanding the effect of social media marketing activities: The mediation of social identification, perceived value, and satisfaction. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 140, 22-32. (SSCI)
  27. Huang, H.-T., & Lin, C.-P.* (2019). Assessing ethical efficacy, workplace incivility, and turnover intention: A moderated-mediation model. Review of Managerial Science, 13(1), 33-56. (SSCI)
  28. Gau, Roland and Madhu Viswanathan (2018), “A Bottom-up Perspective on SDGs: The Subsistence Marketplaces Approach,” Social Business 8 (4), 429-444.
  29. Ramirez, Edward, Roland Gau, John Hadjimarcou, and Zhenning Xu (2018) “User-generated content as Word-of-Mouth,” Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 26 (1-2), 90-98. (Impact Factor 1.63, 2 Google Scholar citations)
  1. Jin-Feng Uen, Shan-Kuei Teng, and Li-Chang Wu 2018. How HPWS enhance Manager’s innovative behaviors? The mediating roles of manager ambidexterity. The 32nd ANZAM Conference, Auckland New Zealand, 4th – 7th December, 2018.
  2. Ding, C. G. and Chen, C. F. (2018), “On the Use of the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) Marker Technique for Non-Normal Data,” Presented at the 26th EBES Conference – Prague, The Czech Republic, October 24-26, 2018. 【R】[C18-1]
  3. Tsai, Diana H.A. (2018) “Market Boundary and Network Effects in Evolving Industries,” 45th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics, Athens, Greece, August 31 – September 2.
  4. Downing, S., Kang, J.S., Markman, G. 2019. Nonresponse Asymmetry: How Buyer Engagement Influences Attacker-Target Dynamics. The Fourth Annual GLOBAL Strategy and Emerging Markets Conference, University of Texas at Dallas, USA.
  5. Kang, J.S., Sim, S., Goel, S. 2018. Corporate Social Responsibility and Startup Growth: Complements or Paradox?. Strategy Management Society Special Conference, Hyderabad, India.
  • Jin Feng Uen, Jin Feng Uen , 08/2017-07/2019, Building Strategic Change Capability: Leadership, Organizational Structure, and Human Resource Management System, Ministry of Science and Technology (2-yr project) (106-2410-H-009-053-MY2)
  • Cherng G. Ding, 08/ 2017-09/2019, On the Bias Due to Common Method Variance, Ministry of Science and Technology (2-yr project) (106-2410-H-009-008-MY2)
  • Jin-Li Hu, 08/2018-07/2019, An Economic Analysis of Bundling Energy Services, Ministry of Science and Technology (107-2410-H-009-035-)
  • Chieh-Peng Lin, 08/2018-07/2019, Modeling Team Performance of Marketing Teams from Different Theoretical Perspectives: A Two-Year Research Project, Ministry of Science and Technology (107-2410-H-009-017-)
  • Jin-Su Kang, 08/2018-07/2019, Competitor Dynamics: Competitor Identification, Ministry of Science and Technology (107-2410-H-009-052-)
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