This position has been closed.
Tenure-Track Faculty Recruitment
Institute of Business and Management
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Taiwan, R.O.C.
The Institute of Business and Management (located in Taipei) at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University invites applications for a tenure-track appointment in the “finance,” “accounting” or “statistics” field.
1. Qualification Requirements
(1) Candidates must have a Ph.D. degree; Experiences of teaching in other universities or working in industry are preferred.
(2) Candidates with expertise in “finance,” “accounting” or “statistics” and good publications in the top-tier journals are preferred.
(3) Candidates should be capable of offering courses in “finance,” “accounting” or “statistics” in fluent English.
2. Major Duties
Major duties for this position include teaching graduate courses in the Institute of Business and Management and advising graduate students for their theses. Based on request, the professor might need to support undergraduate courses at other campuses of NYCU.
3. Application Method
To apply, please email the following 2 files to Ms. Wu ( by Aug. 15, 2021. Interview invitations are extended on a rolling basis. Early applications are encouraged.
(1) Application form (The download link has been closed.)
(2) Personal profile: Please combine the following documents (in sequence) into 1 PDF file.
a. Curriculum vitae (should include personal photo, name, date of birth, contact address, email address, contact number, education, work history, and summary of skills.)
b. Autobiography
c. Ph.D. degree certificate; transcripts of Master’s and Doctoral degrees (The accepted applicant will be asked to have his/her degree authenticated by a Taiwan Embassy or Taiwan representative office before he/she report for duty.)
d. 2 letters of recommendation
e. Representative publication(s)
f. Publications of last 5 years
g. Courses and syllabi
h. Other supporting documents
4. Review Process
Applicants who pass the document review will be invited to an interview. Please note that the application documents will not be returned.