2023 : Volume 43 Issue 2

    Modeling team learning and team performance: The moderating effects of authoritarian leadership and benevolent leadership

    Authors: Jui-Yu Chen

    Journal: Corporate Management Review. Dec. 2023, 43(2): 1-35

    Keywords: Exploitative learning, explorative learning, reflective learning, knowledge coordination, leadership, team performance
    DOI: 10.53106/102873102023124302001

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    Understanding the mechanism and impact of workplace fun on employee innovative behavior

    Authors: Chin-Tsu Chen; Shih-Chih Chen; Asif Khan

    Journal: Corporate Management Review. Dec. 2023, 43(2): 37-81

    Keywords: Workplace fun, innovative workplace behavior, theory of socialization resources, theory of positive organizational behavior, psychological capital
    DOI: 10.53106/102873102023124302002

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    University-community engagement for inclusive innovation: A quadruple helix perspective

    Authors: Loitongbam Athouba Meetei; Kelvin Mutum

    Journal: Corporate Management Review. Dec. 2023, 43(2): 83-116

    Keywords: University, quadruple helix, rural industry, India, inclusive innovation
    DOI: 10.53106/102873102023124302003

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    Beyond homophily: Syndication networks in venture capital investments

    Authors: Chun-Yun Cheng; Jung-Chin Shen

    Journal: Corporate Management Review. Dec. 2023, 43(2): 117-148

    Keywords: Homophily, syndication network, network formation
    DOI: 10.53106/102873102023124302004

    View: Abstract PDF