The framing effect on purchase intention in hotel booking websites: The role of review breadth, numbers of review’s recommendation and brand familiarity

Authors: Yi-Fen Chen; Xiang-Yun Huang; Boedi Hartadi Kuslina

Journal: Corporate Management Review. Jun. 2023, 43(1): 31-64

Keywords: Framing effect, review breadth, numbers of review’s recommendation, brand familiarity, purchase intention

This study investigates the framing effect on purchase intention in hotel booking websites and utilizes three moderating variables: review breadth, number of reviews’ recommendation and brand familiarity. Two experimental studies were designed on a total of 12 sample groups consisting of 558 valid questionnaires. The results reveal that a positive framing message can lead to higher purchase intention than a negative framing message, although it is not statistically significant with a high number of reviews’ recommendation and familiar brand. The findings show mitigating effect of those three moderating variables on the framing effect influence on the purchase intention. This study contributes to tourism and hospitality researches while also providing insights for marketers and managers in order to develop more effective marketing strategies.