The effects of creative problem solving training and group decision support systems on creativity

Authors: Ching-Wen Wang, Ruey-Yun Horng, Kai-Tang Fan, Chia-Ying Lu

Journal: Chiao Da Management Review. Dec. 2006, 26(2): 1-20.

Keywords: Creativity Problem Solving (CPS) training; Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS); Creativity performance

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of creative problem solving (CPS) training and collaboration technology (GDSS) to individual’s creative thinking ability and problem solving ability. Four classes of (N=183) technical college students were randomly assigned to 2(CPS) × 2(GDSS) experimental conditions students of each class were further randomly assigned to four-person groups to solve problems collaboratively. Subjects receive CPS training were first trained in small group face to face. The CPS+GDSS group then received instruction on how to use GDSS for CPS purposes and practiced brainstorming with their group member on line, which CPS members were working face to face with group members. Results showed that CPS can enhance ones’ creative thinking ability and problem solving ability; whereas GDSS showed no such effect.