Causal relationship among cause related marketing, external cues, service quality, perceived risk and customer value in Taiwan banking industry

Authors:Tser Yieth Chen, Pao Long Chang, Hong Sheng Chang

Journal:Chiao Da Management Review. Dec. 2004, 24(2): 87-118.

Keywords:Cause related marketing; External cues; Service quality; Perceived risk; Customer value

This study elucidates how cause related marketing, external cues, service quality and perceived risk is related, and explores the influence of service quality and perceived risk on customer value. Service quality found to be affected positively by cause related marketing and external cues, whereas cause related marketing and external cues negatively influence perceived risks. Finally, exactly how customer value is affected by the service quality and perceived risk is considered, and cause related marketing and the external cues notably indirectly affect customer value through service quality and perceived risk.